CSE168 Project 1

Ray Tracer with Phong Shading

I = A + E + \sum_{i} V_i\frac{L_i}{c_0 + c_1r + c_2 r^2}
\left(K_d \cdot max(n \cdot l, 0) + K_s\cdot max(n \cdot h, 0)^s\right)

Long time no see! For the past quarters, I took some fantastic courses in computer graphics, and discovered my interests in this field. Starting from this post, I will document my homework projects from CSE168 rendering course. Although I did not add any extra features for project 1, I plan to learn more by implementing extra features in later projects. Future posts will include documentations of extra features so that TAs could evaluate my work easily. The following image is rendered by a simple ray tracer. We’ll see how it evolves in the following weeks.

CSE168 Project 2 VIS60 Homework 3
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